JA Is Really Newsworthy!
Give them the power to pursue their dreams
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JA Stock Market Challenge
By Junior Achievement
Community Involvement
The Stock Market Challenge is a technology based simulation of the stock market in which every 60 seconds represents a day of trading. Beginning with a hypothetical account balance of $1,000,000 the stakes are high and the competition is...
Teacher Spotlight: Kyle Dalton
By Junior Achievement
Work Readiness
Kyle is a Business Education Teacher at Green Tech Charter High School and has been delivering Junior Achievement programming since 2017. Ever since, he's been delivering JA program in his classroom and taking it to the next level which is reflected in his students praise! Click to learn more about Mr. Dalton's JA...
JA Teens Survey: The Financial Impact of COVID-19
Blog from JA USA
By Hannah Henry
Financial Literacy
JA Teens Survey: The Financial Impact of...
Making Sense: Work in the Time of COVID-19
Blog from JA USA
By Hannah Henry
Work Readiness
A Guide to How COVID-19 Is Affecting Work and What Comes...
Whole School Impact
By JA Intern
Corporate Responsibility
In an effort to create sustainability of Whole School Impact programs, we are matching schools to different corporate partners to help provide the volunteers and create a community connection for...
We've Moved!
By Jennie Politano
Corporate Responsibility
Junior Achievement of NENY has a new home! We are excited to announce that we are now part of The Hangar at...
JA Inspire
By Jennie Politano
Work Readiness
A career exploration event for 8th graders preparing students for the workforce and beyond. On Tuesday, March 17, approximately 2,000 students will be coming to the Albany Capital Center to interact with over 50 different businesses through hands-on learning...
Back-to-School Tips for Kids and Parents 2019
Blog from JA USA
By Hannah Henry
Community Involvement
Do you remember counting down the weeks left of summer before the early mornings and staying up late with homework? The majority of students dread going back to school because it's hard to switch their minds from 'fun in the sun' to 'back in the classroom'. Whether your student is starting back at a new school or is just moving into a new classroom, these tips are sure to make their (and your)...
Teens & College Savings 2019
Blog from JA USA
By Hannah Henry
Financial Literacy
A new survey by Junior Achievement (JA) conducted by the research group Engine shows that more than two-thirds (69%) of teens between the ages of 13 and 17 support the idea of "debt-free college." However, that support drops to a third (33%) if it's paid for with higher taxes. The survey of 1,004 teens was conducted from April 16 to 21,...
Buying Local in a Buzzing Economy
Blog from JA USA
By Hannah Henry
Community Involvement
How many times have you heard Buy Local or Support Local Businesses? Probably hundreds of times. So why this local push? What does it do for you or your community? With summer here, the concept of buying locally will only increase, specifically about your local farmers' markets. While providing you with delicious produce, farmers markets potentially have a more significant impact on the...