JA Is Really Newsworthy!
Give them the power to pursue their dreams
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JA & Launch Lesson
Blog from JA USA
By Hannah Henry
Work Readiness
A survey of 1,000 teens and 1,000 parents of teens was recently conducted by ORC international in order to explore the opinions of entrepreneurship. From this study, JA found that nine-in-ten parents would be extremely or very likely to support their teen's interest in becoming an entrepreneur as an adult. Half of the surveyed teens reported they would need more information on what it takes to be...
Team D.R.E.A.M. Big
Blog from JA USA
By Cassie Benzinger
Work Readiness
Team: D.R.E.A.M. Big Location: Junior Achievement of Georgia- Atlanta District Turning Obstacles into Growth and Success: This team had to overcome strong personalities. Overtime, these varied personalities became the driving force for the company to succeed. This obstacle positioned the student company president to exemplify outstanding leadership abilities.Innovative Products: This experience...
A Dedicated Volunteer
Blog from JA USA
By Cassie Benzinger
Corporate Responsibility
JA impacts so many people each year, whether it be a student, volunteer, parent, or teacher. The story below shares a memorable JA experience that turned into a lifetime of passion for the work JA...
HESS Volunteer Bridges Language Barriers to Give Student the Full JA Experience
Blog from JA USA
By Cassie Benzinger
Work Readiness
As a sixth grader, it can be easy to feel confused or lost when first introduced to financial concepts such as taxes, interest, budgeting, 401k's, and insurance. After all, these are notions that many adults struggle to fully wrap their minds around. But imagine being introduced to these topics in a language you are just learning to speak. For one Ridgeview Middle School student, this is exactly...
JA Scholarship Student Highlight - Maggie Branch
Blog from JA USA
By Evan Simmons
Work Readiness
Junior Achievement (JA) is excited to reward area students each school year with scholarship opportunities. This past year, JA of Abilene provided 15 students with a sum of $88,000 in scholarship awards
Parent Confirms JA Lessons' Impact
Blog from JA USA
By Cassie Benzinger
Work Readiness
Volunteers interact with students every day, and many times never know...